Dale Vermillion

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Emotional Stability Breeds Success

February 2009

As you undoubtedly know, a career in the mortgage industry comes with a special set of challenges. Let’s take a look at some of the stressors that drain a broker’s energy and emotions and ways to handle them.


If you listen to the latest economic news, you’re bound to experience some fear. Although many brokers allow themselves to become immobilized by fear, overachievers turn fear into activity.

One way to do this is to reduce the amount of time you spend absorbing bad news. Spend that time working with clients instead.

The time you spend watching the news could be spent asking clients for referrals. This not only will keep you busy during the slow times, but it also could create new business. If that happens, the economy at large won’t be nearly as important as the client list sitting atop your desk.

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